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Rcc Structures Lab Manual

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Rcc structures lab manual template

Introduction This laboratory manual is intended for use in an introductory computer programming course for electrical engineering technology students. It begins with a basic explanation of schematic capture and simulation tools and proceeds to the Python programming language. Python (version 3.X) was chosen for several reasons. This is the Laboratory Manual for the Biology I course (SCI103) at RCC. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported United States License.Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported United States License. Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is the most common renal cancer. Symptoms can include hematuria, flank pain, a palpable mass, and fever of unknown origin (FUO). However, symptoms are often absent, so the diagnosis is usually suspected based on incidental findings. Diagnosis is confirmed by CT or MRI. Mechanisms Laboratory demonstrated the concept of numerical control (NC ) on a three-axis milling machine. Development i n this era was slowed down by the shortcomings of computers at the time. During the late 1950's the development of Automatically Programmed Tools (APT) began and General Motors explored the potential of interactive graphics.


  • Course Syllabus:
    • Course syllabus for Monday & Wednesday class:
    • Course syllabus for Tuesday & Thursday class:
  • Textbook: Biology Concepts and Connections
  • Office Hours: Mon. 1:00-2:00 pm and Tues. & Thurs.: 9:00-11:00 am


Power Point Lectures

Lecture Study Guides

Rcc structures lab manual pdf


Practice Worksheets for Lecture (optional)

  • (link for photosynthesis animation)
  • (link for cellular (aerobic)respiration animation)
  • photosynresp jeopardy (4) (photosynthesis and cellular respiration jeopardy game)


  • The Biology 1 Lab Manual must be purchased from the MVC bookstore.
  • The Transformation, DNA Fingerprinting and Population Ecology Lab exercises will be given to you as a handout.

Lab Exercises

Power Points Presented in Lab

Lab Study Guides

Lab Quiz

Rcc Structures Lab Manual 6th Edition

Advanced Engine Control Laboratory (MMAE)

The Advanced Engine Control Laboratory conducts research in the areas of modeling and control of advanced internal combustion engines and development of clean and efficient utilization of alternative fuels. Current research projects include: control and analysis of high-efficiency dual fuel engines; integrated control of engine and after-treatment systems; design and analysis of advance compression ignition engines; and vehicle powertrain analysis.

Air Resources Laboratory (CAEE)

The Air Resources Laboratory is a graduate research laboratory that is home to a respirator setup conducting a soil-carbon sequestration experiment. Students generally work in laboratory settings or production facilities, although they may leave these settings to take samples as required. Working in a lab environment, they may be consistently in contact with various chemicals.

Rcc structures lab manual template

Bioengineering Laboratory (CHBE)

Rcc Structures Lab Manual Pdf

The Bioengineering Laboratory uses the tools of engineering, biology, and chemistry to determine solutions to the intractable challenges posed by chronic wounds. One fundamental challenge of chronic wounds is the excessive degradation of fibronectin, an important scaffolding protein. We are engineering strategies to stabilize fibronectin against degradation. We are also developing biological mimics of natural scaffolds based on functional units in fibronectin. In addition to formulating these biomimics, we create strategies to optimize function and activity of these biological substitutes.

Biofluids Laboratory (BME)

The Biofluids Laboratory is used for demonstrating basic properties of fluids in motion, applications in biofluids and biomedical devices, and rheology of biological fluids.

Biomaterials Lab (CHBE)

The Biomaterials Laboratory provides training in research areas such as biomaterials, biosensors, and nanotechnology for undergraduate and graduate students. Past projects have included multi-analyte biosensors made with an array of detectors, drug delivery systems based on hydrogels, synthesis of degradable cross-linkers used in hydrogels, and the use of metallic nanoparticles in sensing and detection. This laboratory is equipped with analytical instruments such as the fourier transform infrared spectrometer and the optical absorption and fluorescence spectrometer.

Biomedical Fluids Mechanics Laboratory (BME)

The Biomedical Fluids Mechanics Laboratory contains state-of-the-art manual and computerized equipment. Each individual station is equipped with a Brookfield cone and plate viscometer with computerized data acquisition capability; low and high volumetric flow rate pumps with computerized controllers; semi-automatic tension meters; micro contact angle meters; conductivity probes; Cannon-Fenske viscometers; and various pressure gauges, among other smaller items.

Built Environment Research Laboratory (CAEE)

The Built Environment Research Laboratory is divided evenly into communal student office space and a laboratory area. The student office area has desktop and laptop computers, a projector with a large screen, and wireless and wired internet access. The laboratory area is primarily used for staging field campaigns, instrument setup and repair, meetings, computer simulations, small-scale chamber testing, and thermal performance measurements using a small-scale, hot box test facility.

Burton and Erma Lewis Construction Engineering and Management Laboratory (CAEE)

The creation and maintenance of the Lewis Lab was made possible through a generous gift by Burton A. Lewis (CE '48) that was matched by the Krehbiel Challenge and later by the Pritzker/Galvin Challenge. This lab includes three interconnected rooms that feature study spaces for researchers in construction engineering and management, including postdoctoral visiting researchers from various countries and graduate research students. The laboratory also contains meeting facilities, the GIS lab, and work space for research and teaching assistants.

Computational Materials Science Laboratory (MMAE)

The Computational Materials Science Laboratory explores the multidisciplinary field of materials science, data science, and high-performance computing. The current focus is the computational materials discovery and design of structural alloys and energy storage materials, with an integrated approach of first-principles calculations, molecular dynamics, and machine learning. The lab is also active in collaborative, computational-experimental investigations of fundamental materials science problems ranging from phase transformations and mechanical deformations, to physical and chemical processes in materials.

Concrete Structures Laboratory (CAEE)

The Concrete Structures Laboratory houses courses in the Design of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Structures. One of the featured courses taught in this lab is the first course in the Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures in which the students design, construct, and test, to destruction, a full-size reinforced concrete beam. This lab's state-state-of-the-art equipment includes a computer-controlled, 400,000-pound capacity compression testing machine and a 36-by-20-foot steel girder reaction frame for investigating the strength of reinforced or prestressed concrete beams and columns. Also included in the lab is chemical glassware and small-size equipment used to investigate cements and mortars. Research projects executed in this lab include a large-scale study of the creep-deflection of reinforced concrete beams.

Control Systems Laboratory (MMAE)

The Control Systems Laboratory focuses on optimal controller synthesis for different cyber-physical systems. Some of its major research topics include: fuel-efficient control of connected and autonomous vehicles; energy-efficient control of hybrid electric vehicles; computationally efficient and safety-preserving controller design for cyber-physical systems; and driver specific advanced driver assistance system development.

Design Laboratory (BME)

Temporary outlook files windows 10. The Design Laboratory is used for the design and development of biomedical engineering systems and implantable devices that use either synthetic materials or hybrid (biological-synthetic) systems, in addition to analysis and design of replacements for the heart, kidneys, and lungs.

Dynamic Testing Lab (MMAE)

The Dynamic Testing Lab features high-speed diagnostic and data acquisition systems for high-strain-rate constitutive testing and impact failure characterization of materials. This lab complements existing servo-hydraulic, drop tower, and high-temperature testing facilities in the Department of Mechanical, Materials, and Aerospace Engineering's solid mechanics labs and provides the capability to investigate mechanical response of solids in a wide range of strain rates and temperatures, under both uni-axial and multi-axial loading conditions.

Energy Storage Laboratory (MMAE)

The Energy Storage Laboratory focuses on synthesis and processing of nanomaterials for energy storage applications. The current projects include studies of Li-ion batteries, Na-ion batteries, hybrid redox flow batteries, electrochemical capacitors, and hydrogen storage materials. The materials that are under investigation include Si and P anodes for Li-ion and Na-ion batteries; Li2S, LiCoO2, Li(Ni1-x-yMnxCoy)O2 cathodes, and layered oxides without Co for Li-ion batteries; NaCrO2 and Na3MnCO3PO4 cathodes for Na-ion batteries; and hybrid sodium-based flow batteries. Novel electrode chemistry and architecture are created to impart Li-ion and Na-ion batteries with high-specific capacity, high-rate capability, and long-cycle life.

Engineering Graphics and Computer Lab (CAEE)

The Engineering Graphics and Computer Lab is used to teach the full range of engineering graphics, from technical drawing through advanced 3D digital modeling. Standards, techniques, and sketching are emphasized at all levels, with Autodesk Tools available in their latest versions. This laboratory was upgraded with 3D-capable multiple monitor engineering-grade workstations.

GIS Workstation Laboratory (CAEE)

The GIS Workstation Laboratory is a completely up-to-date and accessible workstation that has access to all the latest geographic information systems software and supporting tools, as well as several legacy applications. It is used for research, course development, and student projects of a continuing nature.

Grainger Foundation Laboratories (ECE)

The Grainger Foundation Laboratories house the electrical and computer engineering department's power engineering courses. This hands-on facility contains customizable, state-of-the-art teaching equipment provided by generous support from the Grainger Foundation. Sample research projects include hybrid technology applied to public transit, formula one racing, and military vehicles. Other major topics include energy scavenging, power electronics applications, large-scale power systems, and alternative energy resources.

Rcc Structures Lab Manual Diagram

Heat Transfer Research Laboratory (MMAE)

Heat Transfer Research Lab activities are centered around computational and experimental heat transfer, fluid mechanics, and combustion, with an application focus in gas turbines and heat exchangers. Current research projects include an inquiry in the areas of turbine blade cooling and aerodynamics; heat exchanger research; and flow structure interaction.

High Temperature Structural Materials Laboratory (MMAE)

The High Temperature Structural Materials Laboratory promotes a goal to elucidate fundamental relationships between the chemistry, processing, microstructure, and properties of advanced structural materials. The aim is to understand the underlying mechanisms and physics that control the properties of structural materials and develop engineering solutions to overcome these limitations. The researchers work closely with a number of industrial partners and government agencies on a range of sponsored research projects.

Instrumentation and Measurements Laboratory (BME)

The Instrumentation and Measurements Laboratory is used for demonstrating stress instrumentation usage and data analysis used to determine physiological functions and variables and the relations to the physiological variability.

Interfacial Phenomenon Lab (CHBE)

The Interfacial Phenomenon Lab is equipped with the tools to measure surface and interfacial tensions between fluid-fluid systems, contact angle on a solid substance, nanoparticles size and size distribution, and the wetting and spreading properties of liquid suspensions of nanoparticles with applications to soil cleaning and enhanced oil recovery systems.

James C. Klouda Family Laboratory (ECE)


The James C. Klouda Family Laboratory is an undergraduate and graduate research laboratory that houses the latest technological advancements in computer architecture. Students in this lab build computer hardware, construct logic systems, and study computer design. Sample research projects include system-on-a-chip technology, hardware and software co-design, and application-specific circuits for signal processing and communications.

Joan and Roy Gignac Laboratory (ECE)

The Joan and Roy Gignac Laboratory houses hands-on experiments and projects that enhance the learning experience and validate the fundamental concepts in DSP theory. These experiments and projects expose students to practical issues in bringing a signal processing algorithm to life. The lab is equipped with several high-level DSP tools used in the development of real-time applications. Sample research projects include acoustic direction tracking, voice scrambling/descrambling, voice-activated security locks, acoustic distance measurement (sonar), digital DTMF tone generation, MIDI music synthesizer, and simulated stereo extension.

Kaplan Foundation Computer Engineering Laboratories (ECE)

The Kaplan Foundation Computer Engineering Laboratories are a suite of four separate labs. These labs feature equipment and courses in VLSI, chip design, computer architecture, networks, and digital signal processing topics.

Laboratory of Semiconductor Compounds and Alloys (MMAE)

Research in the Laboratory of Semiconductor Compounds and Alloys is focused on the growth of wide-band-gap semiconductor single crystals for application in radiation detectors, heat and mass transfer phenomena in processing of semiconductors, and as a measurement of their thermophysical properties. Techniques used for single crystal growth include Brigman, Czochralski, Zone Refining, and Physical Vapor Transport methods. Experimental studies are supported with numerical modeling. Current research is supported by grants from CASIS-NASA and NASA-SUBSA.

Light Scattering Laboratory (ChBE)

The Light Scattering Laboratory has a custom Forced Rayleigh Scattering (FRS) setup for the study of energy and mass transport in complex fluids that include synthetic and biological polymers and gels in both static and dynamic states. This laboratory also has setups for the measurement of flow-induced birefringence and infrared thermography.

Materials of Construction Laboratory (CAEE)

The Materials of Construction Laboratory is home to courses in this subject, the first of which introduces students to the investigation of the mechanical properties of steel and timber by means of hands-on tests on real samples of these materials. This lab houses three computer-controlled universal testing machines of 60,000-, 400,000-, and 800,000-pound capacity. It also includes a Charpy Impact Tester, a Brinell Hardness Tester, two R.R. Moore Fatigue Testing Machines, and Axial Fatigue Testing Machines of 25,000 and 50,000 pounds. Research projects include an ongoing study of the origin and inception of fatigue damage in steel.

Models Laboratory (CAEE)

The Models Laboratory is home to courses devoted to the experimental study of building and bridge structures, the first of which introduces students to the statistical treatment of experimental data, similitude and the theory of models and the design, and construction and testing of realistic models of building or bridge structures. Equipment in this lab includes three professional-grade polariscopes, a Moire apparatus, a steel-framed prototyping bench, and computer-aided electric resistance strain gage recorders. A study of the stresses induced in steel rails to evaluate various strategies for in-place rail regrinding used to improve rail longevity—a significant and economically important concern of the American rail transportation industry that was recently carried out in this laboratory.

Navigation Laboratory (MMAE)

Major areas of current research activity in the Navigation Laboratory focuses on satellite-based navigation systems, including the GPS and Differential GPS, high-integrity navigation algorithms, fault detection and isolation, and distributed navigation systems. Research programs have been sponsored by the Federal Aviation Administration, United States Navy, U.S. Air Force, the Boeing Co., Northrop-Grumman, and IIT Research Institute.

Networks Laboratory (ECE)

The Networks Laboratory is home to courses in internet-based wired network operations. One of the featured courses taught in this lab is the Computer Networking Lab in which students obtain an in-depth understanding of network protocols in a real network setting.

Physiology Laboratory (BME)

The Physiology Laboratory is used for demonstrating basic concepts of bioengineering design through experimental procedures involving humans and experimental animals. Experiments include nerve action, electrocardiography, mechanics of muscle, membranes, and noninvasive diagnostics in humans.

Process Design and Gas Processing Laboratory (CHBE)

The research activities in the Process Design and Gas Processing Laboratory is directed toward environmental reaction engineering, gas/solid reaction, gas separation and cleanup processes, process design and development, and software development for process design/engineering. Research conducted in this lab has focused on process analysis and the development of regenerable sorbents/catalysts for removal of various pollutants, including H2S, COS, SOX, NOX, HCl, NH3, and other trace contaminants from gas streams.

Process Modeling, Monitoring, and Control Lab (CHBE)

The Process Modeling, Monitoring, and Control Lab focuses on modeling, simulation, and control of biomedical systems, complex adaptive agent-based systems, and supervision of process operations. The lab is also affiliated with the Engineering Center for Diabetes Research and Education.

Rheology Lab (CHBE)

The Rheology Lab houses a suite of rheometers for the study of complex fluids that include synthetic and biological polymers and gels in both shear and elongational deformations. Several rheometers have been modified for conducting novel rheological experiments. The Rheology Lab also houses mini-compounder, compression molds, and vacuum ovens for sample preparation.

Robert B. Kyts Design Studio and Machine Shop

Illinois Tech's machine shop is a nationally known prototyping and machining provider for small-quantity custom projects. We specialize in model building, wind tunnel modeling, one-of-a-kind prototypes, and custom projects.

Robotics Lab (MMAE)

Robots have recently graduated from structured laboratories to outdoor environments with varying and unstructured terrain. In order to be highly mobile and effective in these settings, robotics research will need to shift its focus to understanding the underlying physics of robot/terrain interaction, while creating design methodologies for mechanically robust robots capable of multiple modes of locomotion such as running, leaping, and climbing.

Space Weather Laboratory (MMAE)

Research in the Space Weather Laboratory focuses on space weather forecasting through imaging and estimation of the dynamics of the upper atmosphere. Particular interest is given to developing methods of using radio waves from Global Navigation Satellite Systems, such as the GPS, for remotely sensing the ionosphere, using tomography and data assimilation of these measurements for improved atmospheric prediction.

STEM Laboratory (MMAE)

The STEM Laboratory is a group of experimental material scientists at Illinois Tech, who study the transport of charge and heat in semiconductors. The goal is to understand and manipulate how the electrons and phonons move through a solid form the foundation of a semiconductor and essentially through every part of electronic devices.

Suite for Testing Urban Dwellings for their Indoor and Outdoor Environments (CAEE)

The Suite for Testing Urban Dwellings for their Indoor and Outdoor Environments is used for research on the transport of outdoor pollutants indoors; filtration and air cleaning of indoor pollutants; energy simulation, measurement, and verification; energy and air quality test method development; and teaching building science measurements and instrumentation.

Surveying Equipment Workshop (CAEE)

Rcc structures lab manual diagram

Introduction This laboratory manual is intended for use in an introductory computer programming course for electrical engineering technology students. It begins with a basic explanation of schematic capture and simulation tools and proceeds to the Python programming language. Python (version 3.X) was chosen for several reasons. This is the Laboratory Manual for the Biology I course (SCI103) at RCC. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported United States License.Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported United States License. Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is the most common renal cancer. Symptoms can include hematuria, flank pain, a palpable mass, and fever of unknown origin (FUO). However, symptoms are often absent, so the diagnosis is usually suspected based on incidental findings. Diagnosis is confirmed by CT or MRI. Mechanisms Laboratory demonstrated the concept of numerical control (NC ) on a three-axis milling machine. Development i n this era was slowed down by the shortcomings of computers at the time. During the late 1950's the development of Automatically Programmed Tools (APT) began and General Motors explored the potential of interactive graphics.


  • Course Syllabus:
    • Course syllabus for Monday & Wednesday class:
    • Course syllabus for Tuesday & Thursday class:
  • Textbook: Biology Concepts and Connections
  • Office Hours: Mon. 1:00-2:00 pm and Tues. & Thurs.: 9:00-11:00 am


Power Point Lectures

Lecture Study Guides


Practice Worksheets for Lecture (optional)

  • (link for photosynthesis animation)
  • (link for cellular (aerobic)respiration animation)
  • photosynresp jeopardy (4) (photosynthesis and cellular respiration jeopardy game)


  • The Biology 1 Lab Manual must be purchased from the MVC bookstore.
  • The Transformation, DNA Fingerprinting and Population Ecology Lab exercises will be given to you as a handout.

Lab Exercises

Power Points Presented in Lab

Lab Study Guides

Lab Quiz

Rcc Structures Lab Manual 6th Edition

Advanced Engine Control Laboratory (MMAE)

The Advanced Engine Control Laboratory conducts research in the areas of modeling and control of advanced internal combustion engines and development of clean and efficient utilization of alternative fuels. Current research projects include: control and analysis of high-efficiency dual fuel engines; integrated control of engine and after-treatment systems; design and analysis of advance compression ignition engines; and vehicle powertrain analysis.

Air Resources Laboratory (CAEE)

The Air Resources Laboratory is a graduate research laboratory that is home to a respirator setup conducting a soil-carbon sequestration experiment. Students generally work in laboratory settings or production facilities, although they may leave these settings to take samples as required. Working in a lab environment, they may be consistently in contact with various chemicals.

Bioengineering Laboratory (CHBE)

Rcc Structures Lab Manual Pdf

The Bioengineering Laboratory uses the tools of engineering, biology, and chemistry to determine solutions to the intractable challenges posed by chronic wounds. One fundamental challenge of chronic wounds is the excessive degradation of fibronectin, an important scaffolding protein. We are engineering strategies to stabilize fibronectin against degradation. We are also developing biological mimics of natural scaffolds based on functional units in fibronectin. In addition to formulating these biomimics, we create strategies to optimize function and activity of these biological substitutes.

Biofluids Laboratory (BME)

The Biofluids Laboratory is used for demonstrating basic properties of fluids in motion, applications in biofluids and biomedical devices, and rheology of biological fluids.

Biomaterials Lab (CHBE)

The Biomaterials Laboratory provides training in research areas such as biomaterials, biosensors, and nanotechnology for undergraduate and graduate students. Past projects have included multi-analyte biosensors made with an array of detectors, drug delivery systems based on hydrogels, synthesis of degradable cross-linkers used in hydrogels, and the use of metallic nanoparticles in sensing and detection. This laboratory is equipped with analytical instruments such as the fourier transform infrared spectrometer and the optical absorption and fluorescence spectrometer.

Biomedical Fluids Mechanics Laboratory (BME)

The Biomedical Fluids Mechanics Laboratory contains state-of-the-art manual and computerized equipment. Each individual station is equipped with a Brookfield cone and plate viscometer with computerized data acquisition capability; low and high volumetric flow rate pumps with computerized controllers; semi-automatic tension meters; micro contact angle meters; conductivity probes; Cannon-Fenske viscometers; and various pressure gauges, among other smaller items.

Built Environment Research Laboratory (CAEE)

The Built Environment Research Laboratory is divided evenly into communal student office space and a laboratory area. The student office area has desktop and laptop computers, a projector with a large screen, and wireless and wired internet access. The laboratory area is primarily used for staging field campaigns, instrument setup and repair, meetings, computer simulations, small-scale chamber testing, and thermal performance measurements using a small-scale, hot box test facility.

Burton and Erma Lewis Construction Engineering and Management Laboratory (CAEE)

The creation and maintenance of the Lewis Lab was made possible through a generous gift by Burton A. Lewis (CE '48) that was matched by the Krehbiel Challenge and later by the Pritzker/Galvin Challenge. This lab includes three interconnected rooms that feature study spaces for researchers in construction engineering and management, including postdoctoral visiting researchers from various countries and graduate research students. The laboratory also contains meeting facilities, the GIS lab, and work space for research and teaching assistants.

Computational Materials Science Laboratory (MMAE)

The Computational Materials Science Laboratory explores the multidisciplinary field of materials science, data science, and high-performance computing. The current focus is the computational materials discovery and design of structural alloys and energy storage materials, with an integrated approach of first-principles calculations, molecular dynamics, and machine learning. The lab is also active in collaborative, computational-experimental investigations of fundamental materials science problems ranging from phase transformations and mechanical deformations, to physical and chemical processes in materials.

Concrete Structures Laboratory (CAEE)

The Concrete Structures Laboratory houses courses in the Design of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Structures. One of the featured courses taught in this lab is the first course in the Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures in which the students design, construct, and test, to destruction, a full-size reinforced concrete beam. This lab's state-state-of-the-art equipment includes a computer-controlled, 400,000-pound capacity compression testing machine and a 36-by-20-foot steel girder reaction frame for investigating the strength of reinforced or prestressed concrete beams and columns. Also included in the lab is chemical glassware and small-size equipment used to investigate cements and mortars. Research projects executed in this lab include a large-scale study of the creep-deflection of reinforced concrete beams.

Control Systems Laboratory (MMAE)

The Control Systems Laboratory focuses on optimal controller synthesis for different cyber-physical systems. Some of its major research topics include: fuel-efficient control of connected and autonomous vehicles; energy-efficient control of hybrid electric vehicles; computationally efficient and safety-preserving controller design for cyber-physical systems; and driver specific advanced driver assistance system development.

Design Laboratory (BME)

Temporary outlook files windows 10. The Design Laboratory is used for the design and development of biomedical engineering systems and implantable devices that use either synthetic materials or hybrid (biological-synthetic) systems, in addition to analysis and design of replacements for the heart, kidneys, and lungs.

Dynamic Testing Lab (MMAE)

The Dynamic Testing Lab features high-speed diagnostic and data acquisition systems for high-strain-rate constitutive testing and impact failure characterization of materials. This lab complements existing servo-hydraulic, drop tower, and high-temperature testing facilities in the Department of Mechanical, Materials, and Aerospace Engineering's solid mechanics labs and provides the capability to investigate mechanical response of solids in a wide range of strain rates and temperatures, under both uni-axial and multi-axial loading conditions.

Energy Storage Laboratory (MMAE)

The Energy Storage Laboratory focuses on synthesis and processing of nanomaterials for energy storage applications. The current projects include studies of Li-ion batteries, Na-ion batteries, hybrid redox flow batteries, electrochemical capacitors, and hydrogen storage materials. The materials that are under investigation include Si and P anodes for Li-ion and Na-ion batteries; Li2S, LiCoO2, Li(Ni1-x-yMnxCoy)O2 cathodes, and layered oxides without Co for Li-ion batteries; NaCrO2 and Na3MnCO3PO4 cathodes for Na-ion batteries; and hybrid sodium-based flow batteries. Novel electrode chemistry and architecture are created to impart Li-ion and Na-ion batteries with high-specific capacity, high-rate capability, and long-cycle life.

Engineering Graphics and Computer Lab (CAEE)

The Engineering Graphics and Computer Lab is used to teach the full range of engineering graphics, from technical drawing through advanced 3D digital modeling. Standards, techniques, and sketching are emphasized at all levels, with Autodesk Tools available in their latest versions. This laboratory was upgraded with 3D-capable multiple monitor engineering-grade workstations.

GIS Workstation Laboratory (CAEE)

The GIS Workstation Laboratory is a completely up-to-date and accessible workstation that has access to all the latest geographic information systems software and supporting tools, as well as several legacy applications. It is used for research, course development, and student projects of a continuing nature.

Grainger Foundation Laboratories (ECE)

The Grainger Foundation Laboratories house the electrical and computer engineering department's power engineering courses. This hands-on facility contains customizable, state-of-the-art teaching equipment provided by generous support from the Grainger Foundation. Sample research projects include hybrid technology applied to public transit, formula one racing, and military vehicles. Other major topics include energy scavenging, power electronics applications, large-scale power systems, and alternative energy resources.

Rcc Structures Lab Manual Diagram

Heat Transfer Research Laboratory (MMAE)

Heat Transfer Research Lab activities are centered around computational and experimental heat transfer, fluid mechanics, and combustion, with an application focus in gas turbines and heat exchangers. Current research projects include an inquiry in the areas of turbine blade cooling and aerodynamics; heat exchanger research; and flow structure interaction.

High Temperature Structural Materials Laboratory (MMAE)

The High Temperature Structural Materials Laboratory promotes a goal to elucidate fundamental relationships between the chemistry, processing, microstructure, and properties of advanced structural materials. The aim is to understand the underlying mechanisms and physics that control the properties of structural materials and develop engineering solutions to overcome these limitations. The researchers work closely with a number of industrial partners and government agencies on a range of sponsored research projects.

Instrumentation and Measurements Laboratory (BME)

The Instrumentation and Measurements Laboratory is used for demonstrating stress instrumentation usage and data analysis used to determine physiological functions and variables and the relations to the physiological variability.

Interfacial Phenomenon Lab (CHBE)

The Interfacial Phenomenon Lab is equipped with the tools to measure surface and interfacial tensions between fluid-fluid systems, contact angle on a solid substance, nanoparticles size and size distribution, and the wetting and spreading properties of liquid suspensions of nanoparticles with applications to soil cleaning and enhanced oil recovery systems.

James C. Klouda Family Laboratory (ECE)

The James C. Klouda Family Laboratory is an undergraduate and graduate research laboratory that houses the latest technological advancements in computer architecture. Students in this lab build computer hardware, construct logic systems, and study computer design. Sample research projects include system-on-a-chip technology, hardware and software co-design, and application-specific circuits for signal processing and communications.

Joan and Roy Gignac Laboratory (ECE)

The Joan and Roy Gignac Laboratory houses hands-on experiments and projects that enhance the learning experience and validate the fundamental concepts in DSP theory. These experiments and projects expose students to practical issues in bringing a signal processing algorithm to life. The lab is equipped with several high-level DSP tools used in the development of real-time applications. Sample research projects include acoustic direction tracking, voice scrambling/descrambling, voice-activated security locks, acoustic distance measurement (sonar), digital DTMF tone generation, MIDI music synthesizer, and simulated stereo extension.

Kaplan Foundation Computer Engineering Laboratories (ECE)

The Kaplan Foundation Computer Engineering Laboratories are a suite of four separate labs. These labs feature equipment and courses in VLSI, chip design, computer architecture, networks, and digital signal processing topics.

Laboratory of Semiconductor Compounds and Alloys (MMAE)

Research in the Laboratory of Semiconductor Compounds and Alloys is focused on the growth of wide-band-gap semiconductor single crystals for application in radiation detectors, heat and mass transfer phenomena in processing of semiconductors, and as a measurement of their thermophysical properties. Techniques used for single crystal growth include Brigman, Czochralski, Zone Refining, and Physical Vapor Transport methods. Experimental studies are supported with numerical modeling. Current research is supported by grants from CASIS-NASA and NASA-SUBSA.

Light Scattering Laboratory (ChBE)

The Light Scattering Laboratory has a custom Forced Rayleigh Scattering (FRS) setup for the study of energy and mass transport in complex fluids that include synthetic and biological polymers and gels in both static and dynamic states. This laboratory also has setups for the measurement of flow-induced birefringence and infrared thermography.

Materials of Construction Laboratory (CAEE)

The Materials of Construction Laboratory is home to courses in this subject, the first of which introduces students to the investigation of the mechanical properties of steel and timber by means of hands-on tests on real samples of these materials. This lab houses three computer-controlled universal testing machines of 60,000-, 400,000-, and 800,000-pound capacity. It also includes a Charpy Impact Tester, a Brinell Hardness Tester, two R.R. Moore Fatigue Testing Machines, and Axial Fatigue Testing Machines of 25,000 and 50,000 pounds. Research projects include an ongoing study of the origin and inception of fatigue damage in steel.

Models Laboratory (CAEE)

The Models Laboratory is home to courses devoted to the experimental study of building and bridge structures, the first of which introduces students to the statistical treatment of experimental data, similitude and the theory of models and the design, and construction and testing of realistic models of building or bridge structures. Equipment in this lab includes three professional-grade polariscopes, a Moire apparatus, a steel-framed prototyping bench, and computer-aided electric resistance strain gage recorders. A study of the stresses induced in steel rails to evaluate various strategies for in-place rail regrinding used to improve rail longevity—a significant and economically important concern of the American rail transportation industry that was recently carried out in this laboratory.

Navigation Laboratory (MMAE)

Major areas of current research activity in the Navigation Laboratory focuses on satellite-based navigation systems, including the GPS and Differential GPS, high-integrity navigation algorithms, fault detection and isolation, and distributed navigation systems. Research programs have been sponsored by the Federal Aviation Administration, United States Navy, U.S. Air Force, the Boeing Co., Northrop-Grumman, and IIT Research Institute.

Networks Laboratory (ECE)

The Networks Laboratory is home to courses in internet-based wired network operations. One of the featured courses taught in this lab is the Computer Networking Lab in which students obtain an in-depth understanding of network protocols in a real network setting.

Physiology Laboratory (BME)

The Physiology Laboratory is used for demonstrating basic concepts of bioengineering design through experimental procedures involving humans and experimental animals. Experiments include nerve action, electrocardiography, mechanics of muscle, membranes, and noninvasive diagnostics in humans.

Process Design and Gas Processing Laboratory (CHBE)

The research activities in the Process Design and Gas Processing Laboratory is directed toward environmental reaction engineering, gas/solid reaction, gas separation and cleanup processes, process design and development, and software development for process design/engineering. Research conducted in this lab has focused on process analysis and the development of regenerable sorbents/catalysts for removal of various pollutants, including H2S, COS, SOX, NOX, HCl, NH3, and other trace contaminants from gas streams.

Process Modeling, Monitoring, and Control Lab (CHBE)

The Process Modeling, Monitoring, and Control Lab focuses on modeling, simulation, and control of biomedical systems, complex adaptive agent-based systems, and supervision of process operations. The lab is also affiliated with the Engineering Center for Diabetes Research and Education.

Rheology Lab (CHBE)

The Rheology Lab houses a suite of rheometers for the study of complex fluids that include synthetic and biological polymers and gels in both shear and elongational deformations. Several rheometers have been modified for conducting novel rheological experiments. The Rheology Lab also houses mini-compounder, compression molds, and vacuum ovens for sample preparation.

Robert B. Kyts Design Studio and Machine Shop

Illinois Tech's machine shop is a nationally known prototyping and machining provider for small-quantity custom projects. We specialize in model building, wind tunnel modeling, one-of-a-kind prototypes, and custom projects.

Robotics Lab (MMAE)

Robots have recently graduated from structured laboratories to outdoor environments with varying and unstructured terrain. In order to be highly mobile and effective in these settings, robotics research will need to shift its focus to understanding the underlying physics of robot/terrain interaction, while creating design methodologies for mechanically robust robots capable of multiple modes of locomotion such as running, leaping, and climbing.

Space Weather Laboratory (MMAE)

Research in the Space Weather Laboratory focuses on space weather forecasting through imaging and estimation of the dynamics of the upper atmosphere. Particular interest is given to developing methods of using radio waves from Global Navigation Satellite Systems, such as the GPS, for remotely sensing the ionosphere, using tomography and data assimilation of these measurements for improved atmospheric prediction.

STEM Laboratory (MMAE)

The STEM Laboratory is a group of experimental material scientists at Illinois Tech, who study the transport of charge and heat in semiconductors. The goal is to understand and manipulate how the electrons and phonons move through a solid form the foundation of a semiconductor and essentially through every part of electronic devices.

Suite for Testing Urban Dwellings for their Indoor and Outdoor Environments (CAEE)

The Suite for Testing Urban Dwellings for their Indoor and Outdoor Environments is used for research on the transport of outdoor pollutants indoors; filtration and air cleaning of indoor pollutants; energy simulation, measurement, and verification; energy and air quality test method development; and teaching building science measurements and instrumentation.

Surveying Equipment Workshop (CAEE)

The Surveying Equipment Workshop incorporates all the modern tools required to perform fieldwork in the geodetic sciences. Included are modern Total Stations by Leica and Nikon, as well as Automatic Levels, their supporting equipment (tripods, prisms, measuring rods, tapes, and poles), handheld GPS units, and a GPS Rover.

Sustainable Materials Laboratory (CAEE)

The Sustainable Materials Laboratory supports hands-on research for both undergraduate and graduate students. SML houses the latest surface analysis tools for corrosion studies and coating development. Students in this lab investigate fundamental corrosion mechanisms, build smart coatings, and perform computer-based atomistic modeling. Sample research projects include the development of an intelligent coating system for structural steels and the atomistic modeling of asphalt oxidative aging.

Transportation Engineering Laboratory (CAEE)

The Transportation Engineering Laboratory maintains excellent computing capabilities with multiple personal computers and a variety of software for geometric design (AutoCAD, AutoCivil, MathCAD, 3DMAX); data management and geospatial analysis (MS Access, SQL, ArcGIS 9); traffic impacts studies (HCS, Synchro9.0, CORSIM); high fidelity large-scale simulation (VISSIM, TRANSIMS); statistical and econometric analysis (SPSS, NLOGIT4.0, GWR4.0); risk and uncertainty modeling (@Risk); and large-scale optimization (XPRESS Solver, GAMS). In addition to offering comprehensive big data processing, management and analysis, and computation capabilities for a wide range of research in multimodal transportation infrastructure, dynamic traffic networks, safety and security, and intelligent transportation systems,

Walter L. and Virginia B. Cherry Electronics Laboratory (ECE)

The Walter L. and Virginia B. Cherry Electronics Laboratory is a hands-on undergraduate teaching laboratory that houses many first-year and second-year courses in which students learn the fundamentals of electrical and computer engineering through collaborative projects and classroom competitions.

Water and Wastewater Engineering Laboratory (CAEE)

The Water and Wastewater Engineering Laboratory is a research facility in which undergraduate and graduate students conduct research on several aspects of water pollution control, water quality, and water treatment. The current focus areas in the lab include refinery wastewater treatment, enhanced biological phosphorus removal, urban beach pollution control, bacterial hemoglobin technology, and foaming in anaerobic systems. The laboratory has extensive facilities to conduct physical, chemical, and biological analysis of water, wastewater, soil, and sludge constituents. This laboratory also supports field-scale research being conducted on stormwater and wastewater treatment. It contains numerous chemicals, biological specimens, and equipment needed for research, which may be hazardous if contacted without protective gear.

Wave Laboratory (MMAE)

The Wave Laboratory researchers are working on understanding dynamic systems through theoretical, computational, and experimental tools. One of the recent efforts is to explore the application of modern deep learning tools to problems in mechanics and physics. For example, eigenvalue computations using CNNs is the very first application of such tools to any mechanics problem. A major research focus is on understanding the propagation of waves in complex microstructured solids and liquids and creating materials that can be used to control their temporal and spatial characteristics. Other topics of interest include dynamic systems related to solid structures, such as aerodynamically induced flutter instabilities and their control.

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